Teaching Materials
Who did what in Mathematics in my country?
- Introduction, by Andreas Ulovec (A)
- Main piloting, by Andreas Ulovec and Therese Tomiska
- Second piloting, by Barbro Grevholm, Kari-Sofie Holvik and Camilla Norman Justnes (N)
- Third piloting, by Charoula Stathopoulou and Ioannis Fovos (GR)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Andreas Ulovec
Ornaments in teaching simmetry
- Introduction, by Hana Moraová and Jarmila Novotná (CZ)
- Main piloting, by Hana Moraová and Jarmila Novotná
- Second piloting, by Antonella Castellini, Lucia Fazzino and Franco Favilli (I)
- Third piloting, by Andreas Ulovec and Therese Tomiska (A)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Hana Moraová
Introduction to an ancient magic square
- Introduction, by Marie-Hélène Le Yaouanq and Brigitte Marin (F)
- Main piloting, by Marie-Hélène Le Yaouanq and Brigitte Marin
- Second piloting, by Maria Piccione (I)
- Third piloting, by Hana Moraová (CZ)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Marie-Hélène Le Yaouanq and Brigitte Marin
Putting bins in our school’s yard
- Introduction, by Charoula Stathopoulou and Eleni Gana (GR)
- Main piloting, by Charoula Stathopoulou, Eleni Gana and Ioannis Fovos
- Second piloting, by Maria Piccione (I)
- Third piloting, by Pier Giuseppe Vilardo and Franco Favilli (I)
- Fourth piloting, by Andreas Ulovec and Therese Tomiska (A)
- Conclusions from the four piloting, by Charoula Stathopoulou and Eleni Gana
Mastering Mathematics, mainstream and minority languages
- Introduction, by Franco Favilli (I)
- Main piloting, by Francesca Colzi, Stefania Massai and Franco Favilli
- Second piloting, by Marie-Hélène Le Yaouanq and Brigitte Marin (F)
- Third piloting, by Charoula Stathopoulou, Eleni Gana and Ioannis Fovos (GR)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Roberto Peroni (I)
- Introduction, by Maria Piccione (I)
- Main piloting, by Maria Piccione
- Second piloting, by Hana Moraová (CZ)
- Third piloting, by Marie-Hélène Le Yaouanq and Brigitte Marin (F)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Maria Piccione
- Introduction, by Barbro Grevholm (N)
- Main piloting, by Barbro Grevholm
- Second piloting, by Andreas Ulovec and Therese Tomiska (A)
- Third piloting, by Hana Moraová and Jarmila Novotná (CZ)
- Conclusions from the three piloting, by Barbro Grevholm